Applied Digital Media 2


This module is  a follow on module from Applied Digital Media 1

Learning Outcomes

  1. The students will gain a detailed knowledge of Applied Digital Media including the following:-DVD(R/W) and CD(R/W) UsageUsing Coffee Cup HTML EditorIntroduction to ASP ProgrammingCreating JPEG's and GIF's (Web Page)Using a Digital CameraUsing 3G Mobile Phone GraphicsPreparing Digital Media Projects.

  2. Students will be able to demonstrate a range of skills in the area of Applied Digital Media.

  3. These skills will essentially refer to Modern Digital Media Hardware and Software.

  4. tudents will demonstrate a range of specialised skills in the use of various Digital Media hardware devices(eg DVD,CD,Digital Camera,etc,etc)The skills that the students learn are totally compatible with other Digital media Hardware and Software.

% Coursework 40%
% Final Exam 60%