Electrochemical and Pharmacopoeia Methods


In the Pharmacopoeia Methods section many of the tests carried out on pharmaceuticals, which are outlined in the British Pharmacopoeia, are performed. In the electrochemical methods section experiments are performed in potentiometric, conductometric and voltammetric methods of analysis. The necessary theoretical principles are discussed in lectures.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The graduate should be able to describe, compare and contrast the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds by volumetric and electrochemical methods.

  2. Describe the role of analytical chemistry in drug development and drug production.

  3. Have the capability to measure the purity of pharmaceuticals using techniques such as conductivity meters, pH meters, autotitrators, Karl Fischer, Voltametry equipment, Oxygen Flask combustion, Kjeldahl apparatus and IR.

  4. Be capable of selecting the correct electrode and sample preparation method for a particular analysis.

  5. Have knowledge of the content of the two volumes of the British Pharmacopoeia.

% Coursework 60%
% Final Exam 40%