EPIC Digital Health Survey

The Connected Health Fellowship Project (Analysis of Citizen Engagement with Digital Health & Wellness Tools) Fellowship Student :Amy Fahy, MSc by Research in Connected Health (amy.fahy@research.atu.ie).

This study focus is on user engagement, barriers and trust of Connected Health Technologies

At present the ATU is undertaking research on Citizens Engagement with Digital Health & Wellness Tools –Digital solutions are being used more widely for managing health and we are interested in your thoughts on this. We are conducting an online survey which will take approximately 10 minutes. It explores how people in the west of Ireland use digital solutions to monitor their health and well-being”

digital helf survery

Digital health can be used as umbrella term when describing the field of knowledge and practice associated with the development and use of digital technologies to improve health. However to implement digital health is more than just deploying new technologies or devices, it is fundamentally about people; how people function in their everyday lives to manage their health and wellbeing and how people (such as healthcare staff) function in organisations like within a hospital setting or community healthcare setting.

Connected Health is a field in healthcare (within digital health) that seeks to use technology and health information to improve patient outcomes. Digital health solutions to improve integrated care, community care and home-based care can be seen as connected health solutions. These solutions will record and gather data and health information (such as exercise, diet, vital signs, wellbeing data etc) about an individual from data gathered by applications, sensors and new or proposed other healthcare technology devices (smartphones / wearables - fitbits etc).