Health Promotion: Theory and Principles


Promoting health should be an integral part of the role of the social care worker. An understanding of the underpinning theories and principles will facilitate students in the promotion of health at all levels and in any setting. The aim of this module is to provide the student with a critical understanding of the principles and practice of health promotion. Throughout the module, students will be encouraged to apply the principles within his or her area of work in the social care setting.

This module maps to the CORU Standards of Proficiency below:

Proficiencies: 1.8, 2.4, 5.1


Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse concepts and definitions of health promotion recognising the different values that social care workers and social care service users might have (Proficiency 5.1)

  2. Appraise the history and development of health promotion at international and national levels

  3. Appraise inequalities in health, with specific application to marginalised and different social and cultural groups. (Proficiency 1.8)

  4. Evaluate models of health promotion and their application to social care (Proficiency 5.1)

  5. Explore different ways of working to promote health in social care: partnership and collaboration, empowerment, community development, using media (Proficiencies 1.8, 2.4)

  6. Critically analyse the settings approach to promoting health with particular reference to the social care setting.

  7. Appraise planning and evaluation models in health promotion and their use in social care.

  8. Explore ethical issues in relation to health promotion in social care (Proficiency 5.1)

  9. Evaluate the use of evidence in health promotion

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