Central Bank analyst to deliver guest lecture to ATU students on the latest economic and market developments in the Irish economy

Monday, March 06, 2023 Press Office
Press Release

Public talk will be delivered 9 March (12 noon) Room 1039, Dublin Road campus


Dr Thomas Conefrey, Head of Function in the Irish Economic Analysis (IEA) Division at the Central Bank of Ireland, will deliver a lecture on the latest economic and market developments in the Irish economy to final year ATU Galway City Finance and Economics students. The event will take place on Thursday, 9 March 2023, at 12pm in Room 1039. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Dr Conefrey will discuss inflation, unemployment and economic growth in the Irish economy and shed light on whether inflation has peaked and what this will mean for consumer spending and overall economic activity. Marie Finnegan, lecturer in economics at ATU, says “having practitioners such as Thomas talk with our students is central to linking the theory to the applied policy context”.

Dr Conefrey joined the Central Bank in 2017 and leads the division which carries out the Bank’s analysis and forecasting of developments in the Irish economy for the Quarterly Bulletin and other publications. He was Chief Economist at the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (IFAC) from 2014 to 2016 and previously worked at the ESRI.

For more information, contact Marie Finnegan, Programme Director, BBS in Finance and Economics Marie.finnegan@atu.ie

Click here for further information on the Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Finance and Economics delivered at ATU Galway city.


Regina Daly, Atlantic TU Communications

Tel: +353 (0)91 742826 Mob: +353 (0)879618355

regina.daly@atu.ie  www.atu.ie/news