Research Dissertation Practicum


The aim of this module is to support and guide students in the practicalities of undertaking a research study so that their research question is answered in a rigorous succinct manner and that can contribute to the evidenced-based body of knowledge in their chosen subject area. It will provide students with a platform to work in an independent manner, while also being guided by a supervisor, to plan, undertake and evaluate a research study/systematic review.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Critically evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of the chosen research design and methodology

  2. Demonstrate coherence between the chosen research methodology and the search strategy process, sampling process, data collection and data analysis processes used

  3. Debate the challenges of real-world enquiry in relation to gaining access to data/participants and ethical approval processes as appropriate

  4. Critically defend the choice of research design and data collection methods and data management and analysis mechanisms and the interpretation of results

  5. Critically debate the appraisal, analysis, synthesis and interpretation of the research data

  6. In a format suitable for publication in an identified peer reviewed journal OR in the format of a convention research dissertation, communicate their research findings clearly, critically, and objectively

  7. Present a critical discussion/synthesis of their findings in relation to existing current literature and evaluate their study findings within the context of their practice discipline

  8. Advance measurable and well supported recommendations for practice/ education/ research and or healthcare policy OR produce a summary of review finding table with robust assessment of confidence in evidence

% Coursework 100%