Surveying for Civil Engineering


In this surveying module, the student will learn the basic principles of surveying and setting out with an emphasis placed on demonstrating proficiency with the tape, the automatic level and the theodolite. Work with the automatic level dominates the module, covering all aspects from using the instrument to book readings, reducing those readings, determining the accuracy of the readings and applying the readings to an engineering problem (e.g. preparing a longitudinal section, contouring a small area of land and setting out sight rails to control heights). Using a tape to measure distance accurately and setting up a theodolite for use are other elements covered in the module. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify features and details on Ordnance Survey maps.

  2. Calculate areas of regular and irregular shapes on Ordnance Survey maps using Simpson's Rule and the Trapezoidal Rule.

  3. Understand the theory behind tape and offset surveying and demonstrate an ability to produce accurate drawings from surveys completed using this system.

  4. Complete the permanent adjustment and the temporary adjustment of the automatic level.

  5. Survey a line of levels to a defined accuracy, reduce the readings and complete all checks necessary.

  6. Apply the expertise gained with the level to produce longitudinal road sections, contour plans (indirect method) and to set out sight rails.

  7. Complete the temporary adjustment of the electronic theodolite.

  8. Use the electronic theodolite to accurately measure horizontal and vertical angles.

% Coursework 60%
% Final Exam 40%