Work Experience for Agricultural Engineers


This module allows the learner to put the engineering knowledge, skills, tools and techniques that they have acquired over the first three stages of the programme into practice within a professional working environment. It is a valuable opportunity for the learner to gain an awareness of the world of work and of how to be an effective contributor and problem solver in a team-based environment. Additionally, it may make the learner more employable upon completion of their programme.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Operate, communicate effectively with others across a range of disciplines, and apply their acquired knowledge to the solution of a broadly defined engineering problem

  2. Perform experiments, test protocols and engineering tasks in compliance with industry-appropriate internationally-recognised standards.

  3. Show judgement and initiative while working autonomously and or in a supervisory capacity, taking responsibility for own work & safety  and the work & safety of others and allocating resources as required

  4. Report their work clearly in written and in oral format.

  5. Execute work practice duties and assigned engineering responsibilities in a professional, methodical manner ensuring respect and safety of colleagues and staff, with minimum supervision.

  6. Apply the Engineers Ireland Code of Ethics to the select and implement the appropriate path to the resolution of engineering problems.

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