Core Visual Studies (Flexible Mode)


Core Visual Studies is an introductory module to basic aspects of practical visual education. Visual awareness, material skills and contextual relevance are the fundamentals on which the Degree programme is built. Learners engage in a challenging curriculum involving lectures, workshops, seminars, tutorials and studio projects which develop their awareness of formal elements of the 2D creative process. They acquire a basic skill set which equips them with the knowledge and competency to engage with the visual world in an inquisitive manner. These learning experiences lead to the development of an evolving critical awareness.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Display an ability to understand the elements and principles of art.

  2. Demonstrate the application of the visual language of art.

  3. Integrate critical thinking and problem solving skills with regards to their studio work.

  4. Initiate in a manner that is increasingly autonomous and self-motivated.

  5. Employ appropriate drawing techniques and processes.

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