Engineering Hydrology


The student will be able to apply knowledge and skills gained from this module to carry out storm water calculations, flow routing and rainfall runoff modelling. The learner will develop a cognisant of risks associated with groundwater contamination and flooding along with developing awareness for the complexity of engineering hydrology and its contribution towards the overall delivery of a sustainable civil engineering project

Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss where and why engineering hydrology techniques are required in civil engineering.

  2. Discuss and apply the standard techniques for hydrometric, meteorological, soil moisture (deficit), infiltration and groundwater measurements.

  3. Design and specify appropriate stormwater management systems.

  4. Analyse and interpret data for the purposes of assessing the suitability of a surface water body or groundwater source for water supply.

  5. Estimate Flood Flows and flood hydrographs of various return periods for gauged and ungauged catchments.

  6. Estimate rainfall – runoff from the development site scale to the small catchment scale.

  7. Apply the tools available to assess risks to groundwater and risks from surface water.

% Coursework 30%
% Final Exam 70%