The overall goal of IQ for ECVET project is the improvement and development of VET (vocational education and training system) in partnership countries by applying ECVET (The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training). ECVET is one of the tools focused on promoting lifelong learning, flexibility of learning pathways to qualifications and mobility of students and other learners (including teachers) across Europe. It is based on learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competences needed for achieving a qualification. It enables the recognition, validation and documentation of achieved learning outcomes acquired abroad, facilitating the transnational mobility. This system contributes to the transparency and recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes in VET and lifelong learning.
The main outcome of the IQ for ECVET project is the creation of a common matrix of competences, skills and knowledge for the selected professions belonging to furniture, textile and flooring branch. It represents a set of competences/requirements which are common for all partnership countries and give clear and easily understandable information about requirements necessary in every involved country. National specifics will be displayed in an additional chart. Thanks to it, people interested in working abroad will have a clear image about what skills and competences are necessary to perform such profession in a certain country, enhancing this way workers' transnational mobility across Europe.
A new website ( is being developed within the project, which uses the idea of a house for graphical illustration of professions and their role within a house. The matrix of competences will be imported into the virtual house. Additionally, an e-learning platform structured in educational modules will be created. It converts competences described in the matrix into e-learning form. Every user of the website will be able not only to check common and specifics requirements of the selected profession, but also to evaluate and improve his knowledge via revision tests and e-learning modules. The target groups within the project are the professional community, teachers and students corresponding to lower and upper secondary schools.
TZU - Textilni zkušebni ustav, s.p., (Textile Testing Institute), Czech Republic
Project Partners:
MENDELU - Mendelova univerzita v Brně, (Mendelu University Brno), Czech Republic
ATU Connemara
APMR - Asociaţia Producătorilor de Mobilă din Romania, (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania), Romania
OIGPM - Ogolnopolska Izba Gospodarcza Producentow Mebli, (Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture manufacturers), Poland
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
[communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.