Biomedical Engineering

Meet the Team

Dr Fiona Malone

Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (BIOMEDICAL) 
Campus: ATU, Dublin Road, Galway Campus.

Research Interest

Acute ischemic stroke, cerebral haemodynamics, biomechanics, biosimulators, women’s health.

Recent Publications

Lyashevska O, Malone F, MacCarthy E, Fiehler J, Buhk J-H, Morris L. Class imbalance in gradient boosting classification algorithms: Application to experimental stroke data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. December 2021. doi:10.1177/0962280220980484 
Malone F, McCarthy E, Delassus P, Buhk J-H, Fiehler J, Morris L. An in vitro assessment of atrial fibrillation flow types on cardiogenic emboli trajectory paths. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine.  2020;234(12):1421-1431. doi:10.1177/0954411920946873 
Malone, F., McCarthy, E., Delassus, P., Buhk, JH., Fiehler, J., Morris L., Investigation of the Hemodynamics Influencing Emboli Trajectories Through a Patient-Specific Aortic Arch Model, Stroke, STROKEAHA. 118.023581

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Dr Cormac Flynn

Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Campus: ATU, Dublin Road, Galway Campus.

Tel: (091) 742379 

Research Interest

My main research interests are in the area of soft tissue mechanics. In particular, I develop instrumentation and computational models to characterise the mechanical behaviour of biological soft tissues.  
I have a particular interest in characterising human skin. I develop constitutive models that simulate the non-linear, time-dependent, and directionaldependent properties of skin.  
This work has been applied in several diverse areas including modelling the diabetic foot, develop realistic models of the human face, and measuring the sharpness of surgical scalpels. Other applications include examining skin meshing techniques used in the treatment of burns.

Recent Publications

FLYNN, C., 2019. Experimental Characterisation: Rich Deformations. In Skin Biophysics. Editor: Limbert G., Springer, Cham, 215-234.

FLYNN, C., TABERNER, A., NIELSEN, P. and FELS, S., 2018. Comparison of anisotropic models to simulate the mechanical response of facial skin. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Springer, 43-55.

CAPEK, L., FLYNN, C., MOLITOR, CHONG, S., HENYS, P., 2018. Graft orientation influences meshing ratio, Burns, 44(6), pp. 1439-1445

Other Publications

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Dr Liam Morriss

Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Campus: ATU, Dublin Road Galway Campus.

Tel: (091) 742379 

Research Interests

My main research interest is in assessing cardiovascular diseases and surgical solutions both computationally and experimentally. 

I co-founded the GMedTech biomedical engineering centre in 2006 which lead to the successful funding of the MET gateway in 2016.  During this time period I have supervised 10 PhD students to completion and enabled the development of physiologically relevant test systems for simulating cardiovascular type diseases in particular for aneurysms (cerebral, abdominal and thoracic), stroke, coronary artery disease, heart failure and dissections. 

My research enabled GMedTech/MET to be a Centre of Excellence, within GMIT, that offers regional and national based medical device companies an advanced product testing service and clinicians in providing surgical training facilities and surgical planning tools.  I also apply my engineering and clinical knowledge in developing IP.  I have secured over €4 million in research funds as lead and co PI.

To date, I have published 50 + peer reviewed journal articles, 100+ conference and 3 patents.  My research and research group have won 15 awards both nationally and internationally. 

Recent Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

Lyashevska,O, Malone F, MacCarthy E, Fiehler, J, Buhk J.H, Morris L. Class imbalance in gradient boosting classification. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 096228022098048, 2020, doi: 10.1177/0962280220980484

McHugo, S, Nolke, L, Delassus, P, MacCarthy, E, Morris, L, McMahon CJ. An in-vitro evaluation of the flow haemodynamic performance of Gore-Tex extracardiac conduits for univentricular circulation.  Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 15 (1), 1-10, 2020

McHugo, VS, Nolke, L, Delassus, P, MacCarthy, E, McMahon, CJ, Morris L. The impact of compliance on Stage 2 uni-ventricular heart circulation: An experimental assessment of the Bidirectional Glenn.  Medical Engineering & Physics 84, 184-192, 2020

Other Publications

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Dr Paul Fahy

Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Campus: ATU, Dublin Road, Galway Campus.

Tel: (091) 7423873

Research Area

Manufacturing Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Imaging, Cerebral haemodynamics, Acute ischemic stroke, Cerebral Aneurysms

Research Interest

Dr. Fahy is currently lecturing in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Team Leader in the MET research centre. Dr. Fahy has completed a PhD in biomedical engineering in designing and developing customized physiological simulators of the cardiovascular system. He has extensive expertise in motion control, vision systems and a vast knowledge of materials and manufacturing techniques in fabricating complex phantom models of the human anatomy.

He has published in a number of high ranking peer reviewed scientific journals articles and presented at both national and international conferences. He was principle investigator (PI) on two academic research projects shortlisted on separate occasions by the Irish Medical Device Award (IMDA) in collaboration with Cerenovus (formerly Neuravi) and UHG. Dr. Fahy also provided bench marking data for an international study involving over 25 research groups worldwide to assess the variability of computational fluid dynamic modelling in cerebral aneurysm (ASME 2012). Dr. Fahy is an active member of the Bioengineering research in Ireland (BINI and is currently lecturing in the area of manufacturing engineering and has keen interest in additive manufacturing technologies.

Recent Publications

Elhelali, A., Hynes, N., Morris, L., Delassus, P., Kavanagh, E. P., Stefanov, F., Fahy, P., & Sultan, S. (2020). Open surgical repair vs. hybrid repair for treatment of aortic arch aneurysm: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (Vol. 27, Issue 3).

Elhelali, A., Sultan, S., Hynes, N., Delassus, P., Kavanagh, E. P., Fahy, P., Stefanov, F., & Morris, L. (2020). Evaluation of aortic arch aneurysms treated with the streamliner multilayer flow modulator. Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 27(3).

Fahy, P., Delassus, P., McCarthy, P., Sultan, S., Hynes, N., & Morris, L. (2014). An in vitro assessment of the cerebral hemodynamics through three patient specific circle of willis geometries. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 136(1).

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Link to my Research Gate profile: Paul Fahy | ResearchGate