Applied Research


This module will assist learners in developing critical awareness of the range of research and innovation methods used in the sphere of outdoor education and how to appropriately select from these in designing a project proposal. It will provide students with the knowledge necessary to design a realistic, practically based and robustly-designed project that seeks to improve practice. Learners will be required to consider their proposed project area, articulate aims and objectives and submit a project proposal. Learners who successfully complete this module will be competent at selecting and applying appropriate methods and techniques to conduct a substantial project.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop, articulate and justify a research/project aim.

  2. Articulate coherent research project objectives which are appropriately related to the aim of the project.

  3. Select research methods which are appropriate to the research aims and objectives.

  4. Set out and defend the rational for selecting a particular methodological approach suitable to the research question.

  5. Articulate critical insight into ethical and data protection issues and appropriately address these.

  6. Formulate a research proposal for a dissertation.

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