Data analysis, Modelling and Geographic Information Systems


This module develops advanced skills in data management, statistical analysis and related analytical techniques. Students will gain confidence in the use of statistics software, and critically evaluate the output from these programs. The investigative techniques applied have relevance to many areas of professional practice in aquatic resource sciences.

Students will construct models, and apply modelling skills to the analysis of natural resource systems. The models developed have a particular application to the biological and ecological assessment of fisheries, wildlife, and ecosystems, and the management of human use of these resources.

This module also covers the use of GIS as a tool for field biologists. It will enable the learners to store, manage, analyse and display data that has both spatial and attribute components.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Select and use appropriate software packages for the storage, analysis and presentation of data.

  2. Select and perform advanced statistical tests and analyses.

  3. Evaluate the adequacy and reliability of data inputted to statistical analyses and models.

  4. Formulate spatial presentations, statistical analyses and models appropriate to particular types of data.

  5. Construct conceptual and mathematical models to assess population and system dynamics, to predict outcomes under given scenarios, and to evaluate risks and uncertainties.

% Coursework 100%