Digital Technologies - Creativity, Safety and Leadership


This module prepares learners for the creative use of digital media and preparing digital content. The learner will focus on the creative use of technology with children and adolescents.

Learners will be equipped with leadership skills when using digital technology with children and adolescents. Examining and evaluating issues relating to digital technologies and young people will be explored. Learners will be encouraged to consider their own relationship with technology and the role it plays in learning, relationships, social and community. 

The safety of children and young people and techniques to support, guide, mentor and protect will be considered.

Learners will curate their work into a final ePortfolio.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Plan, capture and edit images, video and audio.

  2. Plan and organise a digital initiative suitable for intended audience.

  3. Evaluate the issues and opportunities that digital technologies present.

  4. Recommend strategies for introducing, evaluating and using digital technologies with children and adolescents.

  5. Plan and publish digital work in an ePortfolio.

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