Earth Processes and Landforms 2


Varied forces of nature shape the Earths surface over a range of spatial and temporal scales. These forces act upon the physical structure of the Earth to create the physical landscape around us, one that is subject to continual change. This module will provide students with the necessary knowledge and investigative skills to make informed judgements on selected earth processes and landforms. It will introduce students to a broad range of fundamental concepts, processes and techniques that are critical to the understanding of physical geography, including the current suggestion that we have entered a new geological epoch, where human activities are the main driving force of the dynamics of the Earth system (the Anthropocene).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Define and explain key concepts in the geography and geology of physical features of the earths surface.

  2. Acquire practical skills linked to the interpretation of cartographic information, using a variety of methods and tools.

  3. Observe and interpret geographic phenoma in the field.

  4. Develop self learning skills through independent research.

  5. Connect the module material with current events and everyday life, particularly as it relates to climate change, ecosystem services and Education for Sustainability.

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