Fundamentals of Biomechanics
Biomechanics is a multidisciplinary field which deals application of physics to biological systems. This module introduces students to the biomechanical principles and concepts that can be applied to human structure and function, allowing analysis of human movement and the musculoskeletal system. Using examples from everyday life and human movement, students will develop mathematical, problem-solving, and technical skills necessary for understanding biomechanics. The theoretical and practical aspects of biomechanics will be linked through practical demonstrations and laboratory-based exercises. Students will acquire a range of transferrable skills that will serve as a solid base for further studies in public health nutrition and sport and exercise science.
Learning Outcomes
Explain physical concepts such as SI units and the terms, conventions, and units of measurement appropriate to science.
Understand the underlying concepts and principles of biomechanics as well as their applications everyday life and in human movement.
Use mathematical language and the techniques to understand problems in biomechanics and develop problem-solving skills.
Measure, record and analyse data from practical experiments and use appropriate methods to interpret and report results.
Communicate scientific information accurately and effectively using written, oral, visual and numerical forms.
Manage their own learning and time, and be able to learn independently.