Index Survey

Index Survey

The Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey is a national survey of the digital engagement, experiences and expectations of students and staff who teach in Irish higher education.

The first GMIT INDEx survey took place in October 2019.

Who is the survey designed for?

The INDEx Survey is designed for:

  • Students – all enrolled on taught programmes of study, both undergraduate and postgraduate (ages 18 and over)
  • Staff Who Teach – all staff who teach and all who support learning and teaching, e.g. lecturers, tutors, librarians, learning technologists, education developers, instructional designers, technicians, deans, middle and senior managers or administrators

Over 50% of the GMIT staff and 23% of GMIT students completed the survey.

The data has informed development plans for the iNOTE Digital Teaching and Learning Project (see

Learn more about the INDEx national survey with the National Forum at