Later Modern International History & Memory


On completion of this module students will/should have a fundamental knowledge of some of the principal episodes of later modern international history (in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries), along with an appreciation of the varieties of memory associated with the heritage and commemoration of past conflicts between international powers.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate the principal causes, courses, consequences of three major international conflicts and recognise the importance of the interplay between history and memory;

  2. Demonstrate a strong command of the relevant literature in the field, including an awareness of the interdisciplinary relationships between international history and cognate fields, including: heritage studies, memory studies, public history, geopolitics, international relations, and human rights;

  3. Demonstrate accomplished communication, discussion, interpretation, presentation, and writing skills;

  4. Demonstrate an ability to utilise a broad range of primary and secondary sources (e.g. blogs, books, book chapters, dissertations, field evidence, films, journal articles, magazine articles, manuscripts, maps, newspaper articles, podcasts, theses, websites, and videos);

  5. Draw on the past to comprehend the present and grasp the importance of securing the future, thus linking to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

% Coursework 60%
% Final Exam 40%