New Technology and Application to Jewellery I


This module introduces learners to new technologies in jewellery, gold and silversmithing manufacture and design. and stresses the value of computer-based visual data to professional designers and makers. This module exposes learners to the use of laser welding and gives them an introduction to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in jewellery manufacture.  Learners will design to a brief utilising this new technology in the production of a contemporary piece of jewellery.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the benefits and capabilities of using new technologies in the production of jewellery.

  2. Demonstrate the ability to produce jewellery designs with technology that would not be possible (or would be too time-consuming) with traditional techniques.

  3. Become proficient in the use of a laser welder and advances in gemstone setting equipment and their practical application.

  4. Develop cost-effective manufacturing techniques utilising new technologies.

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