Supporting Enquiry to enact the Curriculum


This module explores the learners participation in encouraging each individual's child holistic development and learning, through the implementation of a flexible, documented, verifiable and broad-based curriculum. Building upon knowledge and skills acquired through an early module pertaining to the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Emergent curriculum practices will be explored in relation to planning with children with specific emphasis on pedagogical documentation. The role of learning stories will be examined in highlighting children's learning and development emphasising Aistear.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the integrated processes of caring, educating and learning alongside principles, theory and values that underpinning daily work with young children in Early Childhood Education and Care settings.

  2. Explain the meaning of a 'child's emerging interests'.

  3. Design, implement and evaluate appropriate early childhood education experiences.

  4. Describe the practitioners pedagogical foundation which supports the spirit of enquiry recognising the co-constructive nature of children's learning.

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